Explore our resources on influential Congregational minister, Cotton Mather.
Cotton Mather (1663-1728) was born in Boston to Increase Mather and Maria (Cotton) Mather. A major spiritual and intellectual figure in early New England, Cotton Mather played an active role in colonial politics and was a prolific author who published hundreds of works in his lifetime. The Congregational Library & Archives holds a significant collection of these titles.
To mark the 350th anniversary of Mather's birth, the Congregational Library & Archives presented a 2013 symposium, "Mather Redux: New Perspectives on Cotton Mather," where eminent historians offered a revised and relevant portrait of the much-maligned preacher and his time. The revival of interest in Mather and his legacy motivated us to survey our own and others’ collections to provide a resource for historians and scholars with this annotated bibliography.
A decade later, in 2023, we hosted our inaugural Cotton Mather Lecture, a discussion with Ken Minkema and Reiner Smolinski, editors of A Cotton Mather Reader (Yale University Press, 2022), which provided new perspectives on Mather’s life and legacy. This lecture has become an annual event, and you can find full videos of the first two lectures below.
With the generous support of the Carnegie-Whitney Foundation and the H.W. Wilson Foundation, we created an annotated bibliography of all books and manuscripts related to Cotton Mather in the Congregational Library & Archives’ collection.
This bibliography contains a recently discovered genealogical chart of the Mather family. Also of note is A Servant of the Lord, Not Ashamed of His Lord. A Short Essay to Fortify the Minds of All Persons, Especially of Young Persons, against the Discouragements of Piety, Offered in the Derisions of the Impions [sic]. Made, in a Sermon to a Society of Young Persons, Meeting for the Exercises of Religion, on the Lords-Day Evening (Boston, 1704), the only known copy of this work according to the English Short Title Catalogue. The accompanying annotated bibliography includes more recent materials from additional websites and other repositories.
New Light on Cotton Mather | February 2023
Watch the full video of our recent virtual discussion with Reiner Smolinski and Kenneth Minkema, editors of A Cotton Mather Reader (Yale University Press, 2022), an authoritative selection of the writings of one of the most important early American writers. In this program, Smolinski and Minkema discuss new perspectives on the life and legacy of Mather, a major spiritual and intellectual figure in early New England who played an active role in colonial politics, the Salem witchcraft trials, and wrote one of the earliest and most influential histories of New England.
Cotton Mather and the Women He Loved | February 2024
History has judged Cotton Mather harshly when it comes to women, perhaps with good reason. But who was Mather at home, without the wig? Who was he as a husband and father? In this talk, NEHH Director of Transcription, Helen Gelinas, takes a look at Mather’s relationships with the women in his life: his three wives, his daughters, his sisters, and his life-long pursuit of the one woman he strove to understand perhaps more than any other, that prototype of all women, Eve.
Manuscripts (Digitized)
Diary, 1716
Cotton Mather’s diary entries dating from February 1715/1716 to December 1716.Directions for a Son Going to the Colledge, c. 1718-1719
Advice by Cotton Mather to his son Samuel (1706-1785), who entered Harvard College in 1719. Transcribed by Samuel Mather.List of Marriages, 1717
A single-page document listing the marriages Cotton Mather performed in 1717. -
Manuscripts (Digitized Through NEHH)
The documents in this section have been digitized in partnership with the American Antiquarian Society and made available through our New England Hidden Histories (NEHH) project.
Cotton Mather Diary, 1692
This volume contains diary entries from Cotton Mather for the year 1692. Of particular note are observations from Cotton Mather on witchcraft and the witchcraft trials in Salem, which were contemporaneous events.Cotton Mather Sermon Fragments, Undated
This item appears to contain fragments from at least two sermons written and preached by Cotton Mather. The second sermon cites Psalms 106:23.Cotton Mather Sermon Notebook, 1691-1692
This item is a notebook containing sermons written and preached by Cotton Mather between 1691 and 1692. The volume is preceded by an index of sermon citations.Cotton Mather Sermon Notebook, 1692-1693
This item is a notebook containing sermons written and preached by Cotton Mather between 1692 and 1693. The volume is preceded by an index of sermon citations.Cotton Mather Sermon Notebook, 1694-1695
This item is a notebook containing sermons written and preached by Cotton Mather between 1694 and 1695. The volume is preceded by an index of sermon citations.Cotton Mather Sermon Notebook, 1694-1695
This item is a notebook containing sermons written and preached by Cotton Mather between 1694 and 1695.Cotton Mather Sermon, 1 Samuel 4:24, 1693
This item is a manuscript sermon on 1 Samuel 4:24, written by Cotton Mather and preached by him in 1693.Cotton Mather Sermon, 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, 1694
This item is a manuscript sermon on 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, written by Cotton Mather and preached by him in 1694 in Lynn, Massachusetts.Cotton Mather Sermon, Ezekiel 22:30, 1694 June 7
This item is a manuscript sermon on Ezekiel 22:30, written by Cotton Mather and preached by him on June 7, 1694 before the General Assembly of Massachusetts.Cotton Mather Sermon, Jeremiah 44:10, 1692 December 2
This item is a manuscript sermon on Jeremiah 44:10, written by Cotton Mather and preached by him on December 2, 1692.Cotton Mather Sermon, Lamentations 3:40, 1694 April 19
This item is a manuscript Fast Day sermon on Lamentations 3:40, written by Cotton Mather and preached by him on April 19, 1694.Cotton Mather Sermon, Lamentations 5:21, 1693 May 14
This item is a manuscript sermon on Lamentations 5:21, written by Cotton Mather and preached by him on May 14, 1693.Cotton Mather's Quotidiana, volume 1, undated
This item is one of several volumes of Cotton Mather's Quotidiana, which largely contains notes about works Mather read. The content of the Quotidiana is akin to a commonplace book, and contains notes about theology, poetry, Bible verse citations, notes about authors, and ruminations on various subjects. The majority of the volume is written in English, though there are sections written in Latin. Small portions of the volume also contain modern Greek writing.Cotton Mather's Quotidiana, volume 2, undated
This item is one of several volumes of Cotton Mather's Quotidiana, which largely contains notes about works Mather read. The content of the Quotidiana is akin to a commonplace book, and contains notes about theology, poetry, Bible verse citations, notes about authors, and ruminations on various subjects. The majority of the volume is written in English, though there are sections written in Latin. Small portions of the volume also contain modern Greek.Curiosa Americana, 1723
This document is a manuscript draft of Cotton Mather's Curiosa Americana, which was submitted to the Royal Society of London and won him membership in the Society. Curiosa Americana demonstrates Cotton Mather's interest in science and his particular interest in American commentary and phenomena.Letter from Cotton Mather to Increase Mather, 1690 May 17
This letter, likely from Cotton Mather to his father, Increase Mather, discusses religious topics.
The Call of the Gospel Applyed unto All Men in General, and unto a Condemned Malefactor in Particular. In a Sermon Preached on the 7th D. of the 1st M. 1686. At the Request, and in the Hearing of a Man under a Just Sentence of Death for the Horrid Sin of Murder. Boston, 1686.
A sermon on James Morgan, who was tried and hanged for murder.1689
An Account of the Late Revolution in New-England. Together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country Adjacent, April 18. 1689. London, 1689.
"The Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country Adjacent. April 18. 1689" (p. 7-19) was written by Cotton Mather.Early Piety, Exemplified in the Life and Death of Mr. Nathanael Mather, Who Having Become at the Age of Nineteen, an Instance of More than Common Learning and Virtue, Changed Earth for Heaven, Oct. 17. 1688 : Whereto Are Added Some Discourses on the True Nature, the Great Reward, and the Best Season of Such a Walk with God as He Left a Pattern of. London, 1689.
Nathanael was Cotton Mather's younger and very scholarly brother. This is the first of four lifetime editions. -
The Present State of New-England. Considered in a Discourse on the Necessities and Advantages of a Public Spirit in Every Man; Especially, at Such a Time as This. Made at the Lecture in Boston, 20 d. 1 m. 1690, upon the News of an Invasion by Bloody Indians and French-Men Begun upon Us. Boston, 1690.
Includes a proclamation by Governor Bradstreet concerning vice.The Principles of the Protestant Religion Maintained, and Churches of New-England, in the Profession and Exercise thereof Defended, against All the Calumnies of One George Keith, a Quaker, in a Book Lately Published at Pensilvania, to Undermine Them Both. Boston, 1690.
A reply to George Keith's The Presbyterian and Independent Visible Churches in New-England and Else-Where Brought to the Test. Although the preface is signed by James Allen, Joshuah Moodey, Samuel Willard, and Cotton Mather, Mather is considered the author chiefly responsible for writing the work.The Serviceable Man. A Discourse Made unto the General Court of the Massachusetts Colony, New-England, at the Anniversary Election 28d. 3m. 1690. Boston, 1690.
Election Day sermon appealing for the encouragement and support of public service after the difficult years of Gov. Andros. Mather points out that New England is religious, not secular, and that Quakers are attempting to undermine the nature of the colony. He proposes a system of credit to help the unfortunate and recommends more pay for teachers and support for establishing schools.The Way to Prosperity. A Sermon Preached to the Honourable Convention of the Governour, Council, and Representatives of the Massachuset-Colony in New-England; on May 23. 1689. Boston, 1690.
One of two imprints. As is frequently found, the Congregational Library & Archives’ copy is bound with (and possibly issued with) Mather's The Wonderful Works of God Commemorated.The Wonderful Works of God Commemorated. Praises Bespoke for the God of Heaven, in a Thanksgiving Sermon; Delivered on Decemb. 19. 1689. Containing Just Reflections upon the Excellent Things Done by the Great God, More Generally in Creation and Redemption, and in the Government of the World; but More Particularly in the Remarkable Revolutions of Providence Which are Every Where the Matter of Present Observation. With a Postscript Giving an Account of Some Very Stupendous Accidents, Which Have Lately Happened in France. Boston, 1690.
The Epistle Dedicatory, addressed to Sir Henry Ashurst, briefly describes and includes a small woodcut of ancient petroglyphs on what is now called Dighton Rock. As is frequently found, the Congregational Library & Archives’ copy is bound with Cotton Mather's The Way to Prosperity and is inscribed by the author to John Cotton. A former owner from the early 1700s has inscribed: "This book is useful even in a family but it should be carefully read or you will not understand it."1691
Late Memorable Providences Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions, Clearly Manifesting, Not Only That there are Witches, but That Good Men (as Well as Others) May Possibly Have Their Lives Shortned [sic] by Such Evil Instruments of Satan. 2nd ed. London, 1691.
"Recommended by the Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter in London, and by the ministers of Boston and Charlestown in New-England" — Title page. Originally published as: Memorable Providences, Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions. Boston, 1689.Things to be Look'd for. Discourses on the Glorious Characters, with Conjectures on the Speedy Approaches of that State, which is Reserved for the Church of God in the Latter Dayes. Together with an Inculcation of Several Duties, Which the Undoubted Characters and Approaches of That State, Invite Us unto : Delivered unto the Artillery Company of the Massachusets Colony : New England, at Their Election of Officers, for the Year 1691. Cambridge, MA, 1691.
The Congregational Library & Archives’ copy was a gift of the author to fellow clergyman, Thomas Foxcroft.The Triumphs of the Reformed Religion in America. The Life of the Renowned John Eliot; a Person Justly Famous in the Church of God, Not Only as an Eminent Christian and an Excellent Minister among the English, but also as a Memorable Evangelist among the Indians of New-England; with Some Account concerning the Late and Strange Success of the Gospel in Those Parts of the World, Which for Many Ages Have Lain Buried in Pagan Ignorance. Boston, 1691.
Includes "A Letter Concerning the Success of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England" by Increase Mather, a translation of: De Successu Evangelii apud Indos in Nova-Anglia Epistola.The Life and Death of the Renown'd Mr. John Eliot, Who was the First Preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America. With an Account of the Wonderful Success Which the Gospel Has Had amongst the Heathen in That Part of the World : and of the Many Strange Customes of the Pagan Indians, in New-England. 2nd ed. London, 1691.
Originally published under title: The Triumphs of the Reformed Religion in America. The Life of the Renowned John Eliot ... Boston, 1691.1692
Blessed Unions. An Union with the Son of God by Faith, and, an Union in the Church of God by Love, Importunately Pressed; in a Discourse Which Makes Divers Offers, for Those Unions; Together with a Copy of those Articles, where-upon a Most Happy Union, Has Been Lately Made between Those Two Eminent Parties in England, Which Have Now Changed the Names of Presbyterians, and Congregationals, for That of United Brethren. Boston, 1692.
A recommendation for toleration, following the lead in London of Congregationalist Matthew Mead, Presbyterian John Howe, and Increase Mather.Ornaments for the Daughters of Zion. Or, the Character and Happiness of a Vertuous Woman: in a Discourse Which Directs the Female-Sex how to Express, the Fear of God in Every Age and State of Their Life; and Obtain both Temporal and Eternal Blessedness. Cambridge, MA, 1692.
Mather gave out copies of Ornaments at the funeral of his first wife.The Wonders of the Invisible World. Observations as Well Historical as Theological, upon the Nature, the Number and the Operations of the Devils Accompany'd with, I. Some Accounts of the Grievous Molestations by Daemons and Witchcrafts, Which Have Lately Annoy'd the Countrey; and the Trials of Some Eminent Malefactors Executed upon Occasion thereof : with Several Remarkable Curiosities therein Occurring. II. Some Counsils, Directing a Due Improvement of the Terrible Things Lately Done by the Unusual & Amazing Range of Evil Spirits, in Our Neighbourhood: & the Methods to Prevent the Wrongs Which Those Evil Angels May Intend against All Sorts of People amongs us; Especially in Accusations of the Innocent. III. Some Conjectures upon the Geat Events, Likely to Befall the World in General, and New England in Particular; as also upon the Advances of the Time, when we Shall See Better Dayes. IV. A Short Narrative of a Late Outrage Committed by a Knot of Witches in Swedeland, Very Much Resembling, and so Far Explaining, That under Which Our Parts of America Have Laboured! V. The Devil Discovered: in a Brief Discourse upon Those Temptations Which Are the More Ordinary Devices of the Wicked One. Boston, 1693 [i.e. 1692]
First edition, first issue, of Mather's most controversial work. In this work he serves as historian of the witch trials at Salem after they had taken place. Actual date of publication from T.J. Holmes."Preparatory Meditations upon the Day of Judgment." The Great Day of Judgment, Handled in a Sermon Preached at the Assizes at New-Bristol, Octob. 7, 1687. By Samuel Lee. Boston, 1692.
Cotton Mather was the editor of the volume as well as the author of the first meditation. Many years later, Mather married Samuel Lee's daughter, Lydia, who became his third wife.1693
"The Return of Several Ministers Consulted by His Excellency and the Honourable Council, upon the Present Witchcrafts in Salem-Village. Boston, June 15, 1692. Which Humble Advice Twelve Ministers Concurringly Presented." Postscript. Cases of Conscience Concerning Evil Spirits Personating Men, Witchcrafts, Infallible Proofs of Guilt in Such as Are Accused with That Crime. All Considered According to the Scriptures, History, Experience, and the Judgment of Many Learned Men. By Increase Mather. Boston, 1693.
Mather and the other clergy provided advice on the interpretation of law regarding the guilt or innocence of those already imprisoned on witchcraft charges. According to Holmes, the caution the ministers recommended was sadly either ignored or misunderstood."Return of Several Ministers, Consulted by His Excellency, and the Honourable Council, upon the Present Witchcrafts in Salem Village." Postcript. A Further Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches. With the Observations of a Person Who Was upon the Place Several Days When the Suspected Witches Were First Taken into Examination. To Which is Added, Cases of Conscience Concerning Witchcrafts and Evil Spirits Personating Men. By Increase Mather. London, 1693.
Holmes records sixteen different printings of "The Return of Several Ministers" through 1870. They are included in a variety of works and are sometimes reprinted with inaccuracies.1694
"Christian Reader." Preface. An Answer to George Keith's Libel against a Catechism Published by Francis Makemie. To which is Added, by Way of Postscript, a Brief Narrative of a Late Difference among the Quakers, Begun at Philadelphia. By Francis Makemie. Boston, 1694.
Batteries upon the Kingdom of the Devil. Seasonable Discourses upon Some Common, but Woful, Instances, wherein Men Gratifie the Grand Enemy of Their Salvation. London, 1695.
Editor's dedication and preface signed by Cotton Mather's uncle, Nathanael Mather, in London.Johannes in Eremo. Memoirs Relating to the Lives, of the Ever Memorable, Mr. John Cotton, who Dyed, 23.d. 10m. 1652. Mr. John Norton, Who Dyed, 5d. 2m. 1663, Mr. John Wilson, Who Dyed, 7d. 6m. 1667. Mr. John Davenport, Who Dyed, 15d. 1m. 1670. Reverend and Renowned Ministers of the Gospel, All, in the More Immediate Service of One Church, in Boston, and Mr. Thomas Hooker, Who Dyed, 7d. 5m. 1647, Pastor of the Church at Hartford; New-England. Boston, 1695.
Epitaph for Mrs. Judith Hull printed at the end. The Congregational Library & Archives’ copy is inscribed: "The gift of Sam. Sewall, Esq. at the death of his mother Mrs. Judith Hull, June 95." ; Judith Quincy Hull, a religious leader and wife of the Massachusetts mint-master, was Judge Sewall's mother-in-law. Judge Sewall is known for his part in the Salem witch trials and for his later apology.1697
Preface. A Dead Faith Anatomized. A Discourse on the Nature, and the Danger, with the Deadly Symptoms of a Dead Faith in Those Who Profess the Faith of Christ. By Samuel Mather. Boston, 1697.
Preface signed: Cotton Mather.Ecclesiastes. The Life of the Reverend & Excellent Jonathan Mitchel; a Pastor of the Church, and a Glory of the Colledge, in Cambridge, New England. Massachusetts, 1697.
The first of two editions.Pietas in Patriam: the Life of His Excellency Sir William Phips, Knt., Late Captain General, and Governour in Chief of the Province of the Massachuset-Bay, New England. Containing the Memorable Changes Undergone, and Actions Performed by Him. London, 1697.
Preface by Cotton Mather's uncle, Nathanael Mather, in London.1698
Eleutheria, or, An idea of the Reformation in England : and a History of Non-Conformity in and since That Reformation : with Predictions of a More Glorious Reformation and Revolution at Hand : Written in the Year 1696 : Mostly Compiled and Maintain'd from Unexceptionable Writings of Conformable Divines in the Church of England : to Which is Added, the Conformists Reasons for Joining with the Nonconformists in Divine Worship by Another Hand. London, 1698.
One of three variant imprints. This copy has the imprint: "London, Printed for J.R. and sold by A. Baldwin in Warwick Lane, 1698." Part 1 is attributed to Cotton Mather. Part 2 was originally published separately in 1691, and its author is unknown.Eleutheria, or, An idea of the Reformation in England : and a History of Non-Conformity in and Since that Reformation : with Predictions of a More Glorious Reformation and Revolution at Hand : Written in the Year 1696 : Mostly Compiled and Maintain'd from Unexceptionable Writings of Conformable Divines in the Church of England. To Which is Added, the Conformists Reasons for Joining with the Nonconformists in Divine Worship, by Another Hand. London, 1698.
This copy has the variant imprint: "London, Printed for J.R. and sold by Sam Philips Bookseller at Boston in New-England, 1698."1699
Thirty Important Cases, Resolved with Evidence of Scripture and Reason. Boston, 1699.
"Advertisement" signed by Cotton Mather. The cases involved a discussion of Congregational church discipline. Although the work was signed by Increase Mather and twelve others, it was chiefly written by Cotton Mather. -
"Defence of Evangelical Churches." The Young Mans Claim unto the Sacrament of the Lords-Supper, or, The Examination of a Person Approaching to the Table of the Lord. By John Quick. Boston, 1700.
"A Defence of Evangelical Churches ..." – (p. 1-59) signed: Increase Mather, Cotton Mather. Holmes states that this is Cotton Mather's reply to Solomon Stoddard's Doctrine of Instituted Churches (London, 1700). Holmes also credits Cotton Mather with authorship of the advertisement and attestation.1701
A Collection, of Some of the Many Offensive Matters, Contained in a Pamphlet, Entituled, "The Order of the Gospel Revived." Boston, 1701.
Attributed to Cotton Mather by T.J. Holmes. Preface by Increase Mather. A Collection is in reply to Gospel Order Revived, a work written in response to Increase Mather's Order of the Gospel, Professed.A Companion for the Afflicted. The Duties and the Comforts, of Good Men, under Their Afflictions in Two Brief and Plain Discourses. Accommodated unto the Condition that All at Some Times, and Some at All Times, Do Encounter Withal. Boston, 1701.
Includes "Maschil. Or, Lessons to be Learn'd in the School of Affliction" and "Barnabas. Or, Cordials to be Taken in a Time of Affliction."1702
An Advice, to the Churches of the Faithful: Briefly Reporting, the Present State of the Church, throughout the World; and Bespeaking That Fervent Prayer for the Church Which This Time Calleth for. Boston, 1702.
Mather laments the suffering of those living under tyranny.Christianus per Ignem. Or, a Disciple Warming of Himself and Owning of His Lord: with Devout and Useful Meditations, Fetch'd out of the Fire, by a Christian in a Cold Season, Sitting before It. A Work Though Never out of Season, Yet More Particularly, Designed for the Seasonable and Profitable Entertainment, of Them That Would Well Employ Their Liesure [sic] by the Fire-Side. Boston, 1702.
Mather's interest in and knowledge of scientific publications, especially the works of Robert Boyle, is evident here.Magnalia Christi Americana: Or, the Ecclesiastical History of New-England from Its First Planting in the Year 1620, unto the Year of Our Lord, 1698. In Seven Books. London, 1702.
A major resource for the study of early New England. Mather extensively describes its settlement, including the history of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, a biography of John Eliot, and a biography of Sir William Phips, among many others. The first American edition did not appear until 1820.The Pourtraiture of a Good Man, Drawn with the Pencils of the Sanctuary, in Such Colours as the Oracles of the Sacred Scriptures Have Given Him. At a Lecture, in the Audience of the General Assembly at Boston, June 25. 1702. Boston, 1702.
A gesture of goodwill towards newly appointed governor, Joseph Dudley.1703
The Duty of Children, Whose Parents Have Pray'd for Them. Or, Early and Real Godliness Urged; Especially upon Such Are Descended from Godly Ancestors. In a Sermon, Preached on May 19. 1703. A Day Set Apart for Prayer with Fasting, in One of the Congregations at Boston, to Implore the Glorious Grace of God, for the Rising Generation. Boston, 1703.
Printed with Increase Mather's Duty of Parents to Pray for their Children.A Family-Sacrifice. A Brief Essay to Direct and Excite Family-Religion; and Produce the Sacrifices of Righteousness in our Families. Boston, 1703.
According to his diary, Mather particularly wanted this work to reach "unhappy families where God is not worshipped."1704
A Servant of the Lord, Not Ashamed of His Lord. A Short Essay to Fortify the Minds of All Persons, Especially of Young Persons, against the Discouragements of Piety, Offered in the Derisions of the Impions [sic]. Made, in a Sermon to a Society of Young Persons, Meeting for the Exercises of Religion, on the Lords-Day Evening. Boston, 1704.
"The only known copy [is] held by the Boston Congregational Library …" — ESTC W19423. The CLA has digitized this work and made it available here.A Tree Planted by the Rivers of Water. Or, An Essay, upon the Godly and Glorious Improvements, Which Baptised Christians Are to Make of Their Sacred Baptism. Boston, 1704.
A sermon.1705
Baptistes. Or, a Conference about the Subject and Manner of Baptism: Moderately, but Successfully Managed, between a Minister Who Maintain'd Infant-Baptism, and a Gentleman Who Scrupled It. Now Published, at the Desire and for the Service of Some Serious Christians, Who Have Apprehended the Explanation and the Establishment of the Truth in This Matter, to Be of Some Consequence to the Interests of Christianity. n.p., 1705.
"Between C.M. [Cotton Mather] and D.R. [unidentified]" – (p. 3).1706
The Christian Temple. Or, an Essay upon a Christian Considered as a Temple. A Consideration of Great Consequence to the Interests of Christianity. Boston, 1706.
Based on two Thursday lectures focused on I Corinthians 3:16.1707
A Very Needful Caution. A Brief Essay, to Discover the Sin that Slayes its Ten Thousands; And Represent the Character and Condition of the Coveteous. With Some Antidotes against the Infection of Coveteousness and Earthly-Mindedness. Boston, 1707.
Mather notes that some clergymen, and even New England itself, is becoming too covetous and worldly, sins which can lead to war.1708
Corderius Americanus. An Essay upon the Good Education of Children. And What May Hopefully be Attempted for the Hope of the Flock. In a Funeral Sermon upon Mr. Ezekiel Cheever. The Ancient and Honourable Master of the Free-School in Boston. Who Left off, but When Mortality Took Him off, in August 1708. In the Ninety Fourth Year of His Age. With an Elegy and an Epitaph upon Him. Boston, 1708.
Funeral sermon "by one who was once a scholar to him." Cheever taught at Boston Latin from 1670 until the end of his life and authored what is considered the first American schoolbook, a Latin textbook.A Good Evening for the Best of Dayes. An Essay, to Manage an Action of Trespass, against Those who Mispend the Lords-Day Evening, in Such Things as Have a Tendency to Defeat the Good of the Day. A Sermon Preached in the Audience of the General Assembly, at Boston, 4 d. 9 m. 1708. And, Published, by the Order of the House of Representatives. Boston, 1708.
Mather was concerned about scandalous Saturday night behavior.Winthropi Justa. A Sermon at the Funeral of the Honourable John Winthrop Esq. Late Governour of the Colony of Connecticut, in New-England, Who Died, at Boston, Nov. 27. 1707 and Was Honourably There Interr'd on Decemb. 4. Ensuing; in the 69th Year of His Age. Boston, 1708.
"To the reader" by Increase Mather. The Congregational Library & Archives’ copy was possibly from the library of Governor Winthrop's common-law widow, Elizabeth Tongue Winthrop.1709
The Sailours Companion and Counsellour. An Offer of Considerations for the Tribe of Zebulun; Awakening the Mariner, to Think and to Do, Those Things that May Render His Voyage Prosperous. Boston, 1709.
Admonitions and devotions for sailors. Mather hoped that all the vessels leaving New England ports would have copies of this work on board. -
Bonifacius. An Essay upon the Good, That is to be Devised and Designed, by Those Who Desire to Answer the Great End of Life, and to Do Good While They Live. A Book Offered, First, in General, unto All Christians, in a Personal Capacity, or in a Relative. Then More Particularly, unto Magistrates, unto Ministers, unto Physicians, unto Lawyers, unto Scholemasters, unto Wealthy Gentlemen, unto Several Sorts of Officers, unto Churches, and unto All Societies of a Religious Character and Intention. With Humble Proposals, of Unexceptionable Methods, to Do Good in the World. Boston, 1710.
Later editions published under the running title: Essays to Do Good. Benjamin Franklin stated that this work was a significant and very positive influence on his life.Nehemiah. A Brief Essay on Divine Consolations. How Great They Are; and How Great the Regards to be Paid unto Them, with an Application Thereof to Some Frequent Cases; Especially the Death of Relatives. Offered, at the Lecture in Boston. 30 d. 9.m. 1710. Boston, 1710.
Dedicated to Judge Samuel Sewall and written to console him on the loss of his daughter.1711
Man Eating the Food of Angels. The Gospel of the Manna, to be Gathered in the Morning. With Diverse Famous & Wondrous Examples of Early Piety. Especially, the Surprising History of Christlieb Leberecht von Extor, Late Son to the Physician of the King of Prussia. Appended to: An Earnest Exhortation to the Children of New-England, to Exalt the God of Their Fathers : Delivered in a Sermon by Increase Mather. Boston, 1710 [i.e. 1711].
“Man Eating the Food of Angels …” has own title page and pagination, but registration is continuous with “An Earnest Exhortation,” which was published in 1711. Although the imprint dates differ, they were originally published in one volume. Both works were addressed to children and encouraged goodness and daily prayer.1712
Awakening Thoughts on the Sleep of Death. A Short Essay on the Sleep, Which by Death, All Men Must Fall into; the Meaning of That Lively Metaphor, the Nature of the Sleep, and the Method by Which We May Enter into an Happy Rest, When We Fall Asleep. Boston, 1712.
A funeral sermon for an unidentified woman.Grace Defended. A Censure on the Ungodliness, by Which the Glorious Grace of God, is Too Commonly Abused. A Sermon Preached on the Twenty Fifth Day of December, 1712. Containing Some Seasonable Admonitions of Piety. And Concluded, with a Brief Dissertation on That Case, Whether the Penitent Thief on the Cross, Be an Example of One Repenting at the Last Hour, and on Such a Repentance Received unto Mercy? Boston, 1712.
An anti-Christmas sermon, often considered the first Christmas sermon preached in New England.Pastoral Desires. A Short Catalogue of Excellent Things, Which a True Pastor, Will Desire to See Approved, and Practised, and Abounding, among His People : a Book, Design'd to Be Lodg'd and Left in Their Hands, by One Desirous to Be Such an One, in His Pastoral Visits, to the Houses of All His People. Boston, 1712.
Mather often left copies of his works, such as this one, at the homes of his parishioners.Reason Satisfied And Faith Established. The Resurrection of a Glorious Jesus Demonstrated by Many Infallible Proofs: and the Holy Religion of a Risen Jesus, Victorious over All the Cavils of Its Blasphemous Adversaries. Boston, 1712.
The Congregational Library & Archives’ copy was the gift of the author to William Williams, September 11, 1712.Thoughts for the Day of Rain. In Two Essay's: I. The Gospel of the Rainbow. In the Meditations of Piety, on the Appearance of the Bright Clouds, with the Bow of God upon Them. II. The Saviour with his Rainbow. And the Covenant Which God Will Remember to His People in the Cloudy Times That Are Passing over Them. Boston, 1712.
Mather's shows his broad reading in science and his interest in historical evidence of the Great Flood. He includes a brief discussion of both Newton's and Halley's theories.1713
Adversus Libertinos. Or, Evangelical Obedience Described and Demanded; in an Essay to Establish, the Holy Law of the Glorious God, upon the Principles, of Justification by the Faith of the Gospel. Boston, 1713.
Refutation of an unrecorded Antinomian pamphlet.A Christian Funeral. A Brief Essay, on That Case, What Should Be the Behaviour of a Christian at a Funeral? Or, Some Directions, How to Regulate a Funeral by the Rules of Religion; and How to Enliven Religion from the Circumstances of the Dead, at the House of Mourning. Boston, 1713.
Written upon the death of Mather's second wife, Elizabeth, who died from measles on November 9, 1713.Reasonable Religion: or, the Truths of the Christian Religion Demonstrated. With Incontestable Proofs, That Those Who Would Act Reasonably, Must Live Religiously. Together with the Religion of the Closet, and Family Religion Urged. London, 1713.
Originally published as: Reasonable Religion: Or, the Truth of the Christian Religion, Demonstrated. The Wisdom of Its Precepts Justified. Boston, 1700. Mather is known to have handed out copies of this work on pastoral visits. The London edition has a preface by Dr. Daniel Williams, with whom Mather corresponded.Things to Be More Thought upon. A Brief Treatise on the Injuries Offered unto the Glorious and Only Saviour of the World: in Many Instances, Wherein the Guilty are Seldom Aware of Their Being So Injurious to the Eternal Son of God. With a More Particular Conviction of the Jewish and Arian Infidelity. Boston, 1713.
In addition to describing the triumph of Christianity over Judaism and a confutation of Arianism, Mather discusses the mystery of the Trinity.1714
Death Approaching. A Very Brief Essay on a Life Drawing Nigh unto the Grave. What Is at Such a Time to be Look'd for; and What Is to be Done, That Men May Go Well through What Is to be Look'd for. Made in a Lecture at Boston. 11. d. ix. m. 1714. Boston, 1714.
A lecture on old age and what follows.The Glorious Throne. A Short View of our Great Lord-Redeemer, on His Throne;: Ordering by His Providence, All the Changes in the World: and Most Particularly, What Has Occurr'd in the Death of Our Late Memorable Sovereign, and the Legal Succession of the British Crown, to the Illustrious House of Hanover. In a Sermon on That Great Occasion, at Boston in New-England, on 23 D. VII M. 1714. Boston, 1714.
Mather notes that the succession of George I to the British throne is a reason for all Protestants to rejoice.The Sacrificer. An Essay upon the Sacrifices, Wherewith a Christian, Laying a Claim to an Holy Priesthood, Endeavours to Glorify God. Boston, 1714.
The Congregational Library & Archives’ copy has the ownership signature of Hannah Sewall, dated July 6, 1714.A Short Life, Yet Not a Vain One. A Short Essay on the Vanity of Mortal Man. With Methods of Piety Which Bring Reliefs to that Vanity. Occasioned by Some Instances of Mortality. Boston, 1714.
The Congregational Library & Archives’ copy is inscribed: "Thomas Jones / His Book / God give him / Grace theirin [sic] / To Look /and when the / Bell for him / Doth tole, i pray / my Lord receive / my soul. 1733."Verba Vivifica. Some Words of Life, Which Have a Singular Tendency in Them, if the Blessing of Heaven Accompany Them, to Quicken a Soul Cleaving to the Dust. Produced on the Occasion Given, in the Death of Some Young Persons, Now Lying in the Dust. At Boston, 19 d. VII m. 1714. Boston, 1714.
A funeral sermon upon the death of Moses Draper.1715
Benedictus advertisement. Several Sermons wherein is Shewed, I. That Jesus Christ Is a Mighty Saviour. II. That God Converts His Elect Some at One Age,, and Some at Another, Commonly before Old Age. III. That When Godly Men Dye, Angels Carry Their Souls to Another and a Better World. By Increase Mather. Boston, 1715. [Xii]
"Character of the Rev. Mr. Michael Wigglesworth." The Day of Doom, or, A Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgement. With a Short Discourse about Eternity. By Michael Wigglesworth. 6th ed. Boston, 1715.
Originally printed in Faithful Man Described and Rewarded. Boston, 1705.The Grand Point of Solicitude. A Very Brief Essay upon Divine Desertions; the Symptoms of Them, and Methods of Preventing Them. A Sermon Published for the Service of Others, by One of the Hearers, More Particularly Affected in the Hearing of It. Boston, 1715.
A compassionate and eloquent sermon for those who feel forsaken by God and for those who forsake God.Nuncia Bona e Terra Longinqua. A Brief Account of Some Good & Great Things a Doing for the Kingdom of God, in the Midst of Europe. Communicated in a Letter to --. Boston, 1715.
Based on a letter written to Cotton Mather, the Nuncia Bona describes the philanthropic work of theologian, pastor, and teacher, Dr. August Hermann Francke, who in the late 1600s, established an orphanage, several schools, and a hospital in Saxony.Verba Opportuna. The Circumstances of Boston Considered; on the Occasion of Some Occurrences, with Which the Minds of the People in That Populous Place, Have Been Considerably Exercised. With Fresh and Strong Inculcations of Early Piety, on the Young People, in a Place where Temptations to Youthful Lusts are Multiplied. A Lecture, on 3 d. XII m. 1714-15. Boston, 1715.
Mather recommends frugality, a practice which prevents dishonesty and thievery.1716
The Echo's of Devotion. A Very Brief and Plain Essay on Those Acts of Compliance, Which All Calls to Piety, Are to Be Entertained Withal. More Particularly, the Most Edifying Way Both of Reading the Scripture, and of Hearing a Sermon, Proposed and Commended. Now Published, that Pastoral Visits May Leave It, as a Perpetual and Comprehensive Monitor, to the Visited Families. Boston, 1716.
The Congregational Library & Archives’ copy was the gift of the author's father to Nathanael Loring.Menachem. A Very Brief Essay, on Tokens for Good: Wherein, Together with the Good Signs Which All Good Men Have to Comfort Them, There are Exhibited Also Some Good Things of a Late Occurrence, and of a Great Importance, Which Have a Comfortable Aspect on the Protestant Religion in General, and More Particularly on a Countrey of Distinguished Protestants. A Sermon, Delivered in an Honourable Audience at Boston. 11 D. VII M. 1716. Boston, 1716.
Mather describes the good occurring within current events, such as the destruction of the Turkish armies and the ongoing work of the orphanage, hospital, and schools at Halle.Utilia. Real and Vital Religion Served, in the Various & Glorious Intentions of It. With Eight Essays upon Important Subjects, Which Have a Serviceable Aspect upon It. Boston, 1716.
Mather claims these sermons were published at the request of some of their hearers, and for that reason they are relatively unpolished, what he called "poor and plain." Introduction by Increase Mather. Known to have been published with two different Boston imprints.1717
Preface. Bridgwater's Monitor. Two Sermons Preached unto a New-Assembly of Christians at Bridgewater; on 14 d. VI. m. 1717. A Day of Prayer Kept by Them, at Their Entering into the New Edifice, Erected for the Worship of God among Them. The First, by James Keith, Pastor of the Church in Bridgwater. The Second, by Samuel Danforth, Pastor of the Church in Taunton. Boston, 1717.
Although the preface is signed by both Increase and Cotton Mather, it was written by Cotton Mather.Hades Look'd into. The Power of Our Geat Saviour over the Invisible World, and the Gates of Death Which Lead into that World. Considered, in a Sermon Preached at the Funeral of the Honourable, Wait Winthrop Esq; Who Expired, 7 d. IX m. 1717. In the LXXVI Year of his Age. Boston, 1717.
Mather's funeral sermon for his friend, Wait Still Winthrop, Chief Justice of Massachusetts and grandson of the first governor of Massachusetts. Preface by Increase Mather.Victorina. A Sermon Preach'd,on the Decease and at the Desire, of Mrs. Katharin Mather, by Her Father. Whereunto There is Added, a Further Account of That Young Gentlewoman, by Another Hand. Boston, 1717.
Katharin, the daughter of Cotton Mather and his first wife Abigail, died at age 27 from consumption.1718
A Man of Reason. A Brief Essay to Demonstrate, that All Men Should Hearken to Reason; and What a World of Evil Would Be Prevented in the World, If Men Would Once Become So Reasonable. Boston, 1718.
Inveighing against "the foolish and cursed opinions" of the Deists.Psalterium Americanum. The Book of Psalms, in a Translation Exactly Conformed unto the Original; but All in Blank Verse, Fitted unto the Tunes Commonly Used in our Churches. Which Pure Offering is Accompanied with Illustrations, Digging for Hidden Treasures in It; and Rules to Employ It upon the Glorious and Various Intentions of It. Whereunto Are Added, Some Other Portions of the Sacred Scripture, to Enrich the Cantional. Boston, 1718.
Mather's translation focused on capturing the spirit of the original Hebrew."The Fellowship of the Churches." A Sermon Delivered by Thomas Prince, M.A. on Wensday [sic] October 1. 1718, at His Ordination to the Pastoral Charge of the South Church in Boston, N.E. In Conjunction with the Reverend Mr. Joseph Sewall. Together with the Charge by the Reverend Increase Mather, D.D. And a Copy of What was Said at Giving the Right Hand of Fellowship: By the Reverend Cotton Mather, D.D. To Which is Added a Discourse of the Validity of Ordination by the Hands of Presbyters, Previous to Mr. Sewall's on September 16. 1713. By the Late Reverend and Learned Mr. Ebenezer Pemberton, Pastor of the Same Church. By Thomas Prince. Boston, 1718.
At Thomas Prince's ordination, Mather provided "the right hand of fellowship." The Congregational Library & Archives’ copy is in the first of two known states.Appendix A Sermon Wherein is Shewed, I. That the Ministers of the Gospel Need, and Ought to Desire the Prayers of the Lord's People for Them. II. That the People of God Ought to Pray for His Ministers. Preached at Roxbury, October 29. 1718. When Mr. Thomas Walter Was Ordained a Pastor in That Church. By Increase Mather. Boston, 1718.
Cotton Mather's speech upon "giving the right hand of fellowship" at his nephew's ordination follows the sermon. The volume has the ownership signature of Experience Mayhew, missionary to the Wampanoag people on Martha's Vineyard.1719
The Duty of Children, Whose Parents Have Pray'd for them. Or, Early and Real Godliness Urged; Especially upon Such Are Descended from Godly Ancestors. In a Sermon, Preached on May 19. 1703. A Day Set apart for Prayer with Fasting, in One of the Congregations at Boston, to Implore the Glorious Grace of God, for the Rising Generation. 2nd ed. Boston, 1719.
Appended to the 2nd ed. of Increase Mather's The Duty of Parents to Pray for Their Children. Boston, 1719. With own title page, but unlike the first edition (Boston, 1703), the pagination and registration are continuous.A New Year Well-Begun. An Essay Offered on a New-Years-Day; to Provide a Good Work for Such a Day, and Advise, How a Good Year May Certainly Follow the Day. New London, CT, 1719.
Dedicated to John Winthrop, who paid for the printing. He was the son of Wait Still Winthrop. -
Letters. An Account of the Reasons Why a Considerable Number, (about Fifty, Whereof Ten Are Members in Full Communion) Belonging to the New North Congregation in Boston Could Not Consent to Mr. Peter Thacher's Ordination There. Who Has Left His Flock at Weymouth, and Accepted of a Call in Boston, without the Approbation, and Contrary to the Advice of the Ministers of This Town. With a Declaration of the Dissatisfied Brethren of the Church, &c. By Increase Mather. Boston, 1720.
A collection of documents signed by various persons, including three letters signed by Cotton Mather. The "disatisfied brethren" withdrew to found the New Brick Church in Boston.The Christian Philosopher: A Collection of the Best Discoveries in Nature, with Religious Improvements. London, 1721 [i.e., 1720]
"Of the highest importance to the student of American intellectual history . . . a summation of Mather's very considerable interest in science" — T. Hornberger in T.J. Holmes, Cotton Mather, 52-A.The Right Way to Shake Off a Viper. An Essay, upon a Case Too Commonly Calling for Consideration; What Shall Good Men Do, When They are Evil Spoken of? 2nd ed. Boston, 1720.
Mather recommends a Christ-like response to defamation and abuse. He provides as examples the Apostles as well as major Reformation figures. Originally printed: London, 1711."To the Reverend Mr. Thomas Bradbury, Minister of the Gospel in London." Letter. The Necessity of Contending for Revealed Religion : With a Sermon on the Fifth of November, 1719. By Thomas Bradbury. London, 1720.
"To which is prefix'd, a letter from the Reverend Cotton Mather, D.D. on the late disputes about the ever-blessed Trinity."1721
The Ambassadors Tears. A Minister of the Gospel, Making His Just and Sad Complaint of an Unsuccessful Ministry. Boston, 1721.
Mather describes the symptoms and causes of unsuccessful ministries.A Course of Sermons on Early Piety. Boston, 1721.
Eight sermons addressed to children by eight Boston ministers in a series of Thursday evening lectures. The first sermon is Mather's: "What the pious parent wishes for." Cotton Mather conceived of the lecture series and edited the volume.India Christiana. A Discourse, Delivered unto the Commissioners, for the Propagation of the Gospel among the American Indians Which is Accompanied with Several Instruments Relating to the Glorious Design of Propagating Our Holy Religion, in the Eastern as Well as the Western, Indies. An Entertainment Which They That are Waiting for the Kingdom of God Will Receive as Good News from a Far Country. Boston, 1721.
Includes a list of members of the Company for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the Parts Adjacent in America. With parallel texts in English and Algonquian dialect.A Vision in the Temple. The Lord of Hosts, Adored; and the King of Glory Proclaimed; on a Day of Prayer Kept (May 10. 1721) at the Opening of the New Brick Meeting House in the North Part of Boston, by the Ministers of the City, with the Society Which Built It, & This Day Swarmed into It. Boston, 1721.
Two sermons preached at the dedication of New Brick Church, one by Cotton Mather and the other by Benjamin Wadsworth.1722
Bethiah. The Glory which Adorns the Daughters of God. And the Piety, Wherewith Zion Wishes to See Her Daughters Glorious. Boston, 1722.
Preface & Appendix. Elijah's Mantle. A Faithful Testimony, to the Cause and Work of God, in the Churches of New-England. And the Great End and Interest of These Plantations, Dropt and Left by Four Servants of God, Famous in the Service of the Churches. Highly Seasonable to be Offered unto the People, Now Succeeding in the New-English Colonies, for Their Serious Consideration. By Jonathan Mitchel, John Higginson, William Stoughton, Increase Mather. Ed. William Cooper. Boston, 1722.
Holmes suggests that Cotton Mather probably wrote the Preface and Appendix and may have edited the volume.The Soul upon the Wing. An Essay on the State of the Dead. Answering That Solemn Enquiry, How the Children of Men Are at their Death Disposed of? In a Sermon Occasion'd by the Decease of Some Desirable Friends Lately Departed. Boston, 1722.
Half-title: Two Funeral Sermons Preach'd upon Mournful Occasions, by Dr. Cotton Mather and Mr. Thomas Foxcroft.1723
Coelestinus. A Conversation in Heaven, Quickened and Assisted, with Discoveries of Things in the Heavenly World. And Some Relations of the Views and Joys That Have Been Granted unto Several Persons in the Confines of It. Introduced by Agathangelus, or, An Essay on the Ministry of the Holy Angels. And Recommended unto the People of God, by the Very Reverend, Dr. Increase Mather; Waiting in the Daily Expectation of His Departure to that Glorious World. Boston, 1723.
Consists of seven essays dedicated to Thomas Hollis. Includes several deathbed testimonies, including one by Cotton Mather's sister, Jerusha Oliver, and one by his daughter Katharin.Euthanasia. A Sudden Death Made Happy and Easy to the Dying Believer. Exemplified in John Frizell, Esq., Who So Expired, April 10. 1723. Boston, 1723.
A funeral sermon.A Father Departing. A Sermon on the Departure of the Venerable and Memorable Dr. Increase Mather, Who Expired Aug. 23, 1723. In the Eighty Fifth Year of His Age. Boston, 1723.
Cotton Mather's funeral sermon for his father.A True and Genuine Account of the Result of the Council of Fourteen Churches Met at Watertown, May 1. 1722. Together with What the Reverend Doctor Cotton Mather Sent by Way of Apology to Ireland, for Their Proceedings There. And also, a Reasonable and Modest Defence to the Result of Said Council Come from Ireland. Boston, 1723.
Concerning the dismissal of Robert Sturgeon, minister at Watertown. The Congregational Library & Archives’ copy was formerly owned by Sarah Brown, daughter of the abolitionist John Brown.1724
Decus ac Tutamen. A Brief Essay on the Blessings Enjoy'd by a People That Have Men of a Right Character Shining Among Them. Offered in Commemoration of That Good and Great Man, the Honourable Gurdon Saltonstall Esq., Late Governour of Connecticut-Colony New-England. Who Expired, at New-London, Sept 20th. 1724, in the Fifty-Ninth Year of His Age. New London, CT, 1724.
A funeral sermon for Gov. Saltonstall."The Occasion of the Publication." Foreword. A Call to the Tempted. A Sermon on the Horrid Crime of Self-Murder, Preached on a Remarkable Occasion. By Increase Mather. Boston, 1724.
Parentator. Memoirs of Remarkables in the Life and the Death of the Ever-Memorable Dr. Increase Mather, Who Expired, August 23. 1723. Boston, 1724.
The Congregational Library & Archives’ copy has an engraved stipple portrait of Increase Mather by James Hopwood. Cotton Mather's brother later rewrote, abridged and anonymously published these memoirs in London, 1725, under the title: Memoirs of the Life of the Late Reverend Increase Mather, D.D. Who Died August 23, 1723.Religious Societies. Proposals for the Revival of Dying Religion, by Well Ordered Societies for That Purpose. With a Brief Discourse, Offered unto a Religious Society, on the First Day of Their Meeting. Boston, 1724.
Includes suggested rules for prayer meetings in homes; also includes the text of a sermon Mather preached at the age of 16.The Words of Understanding. Three Essays; I. The Philomela. With, the Notes of Morning-Piety. II. The Ephemeron. Or, Tears Drop'd on Dust and Ashes. III. Jonah: or, The Dove in Safety. Occasioned by Some Early Deaths Which Require Such Notice to be Taken of Them. Boston, 1724.
"The publication of these three sermons grew out of the grief of a loving father for a wayward son. Increase Mather, son of Cotton, was lost at sea ... in 1724" — T.J. Holmes.1726
A Good Old Age. A Brief Essay on the Glory of Aged Piety. Humbly Commended and Presented unto Them, Whose Arrival to or Near, Sixty, Ranks Them among, the Aged. Boston, 1726.
The Congregational Library & Archives’ copy is from the library of Emilia Stiles Leavitt, daughter of Rev. Ezra Stiles, president of Yale College, and wife of Judge Jonathan Leavitt of Greenfield, MA.Manuductio ad Ministerium. Directions for a Candidate of the Ministry. Wherein, First, a Right Foundation is Laid for His Future Improvement; and, Then, Rules are Offered for Such a Management of His Academical & Preparatory Studies; and Thereupon, for Such a Conduct after His Appearance in the World as May Render Him a Skilful and Useful Minister of the Gospel. Boston, 1726.
Recommendations for study, including the learning of Hebrew and Syriac, proper health care including diet, exercise, and the avoidance of alcohol and tobacco. At the end is Mather's list, "A Catalogue of Books for a Young Student's Library."Ratio Disciplinae Fratrum Nov-Anglorum. A Faithful Account of the Discipline Professed and Practised; in the Churches of New-England. With Interspersed and Instructive Reflections on the Discipline of the Primitive Churches. Boston, 1726.
Written over a period of several years, Cotton Mather described Congregational discipline and order in ten articles. Increase Mather's "Attestation" explains that it was not because of a difference in doctrine from the Church of England that "the ancestors transported themselves and their families over the vast ocean," but because of church order and discipline.Suspiria Vinctorum. Some Account of the Condition to Which the Protestant Interest in the World Is at This Day Reduced. And the Duty, to Which All That Would Prove Themselves True Christians Must and Will Count Themselves Obliged. Briefly Laid before the Churches of the Faithful, by Several Ministers of the Gospel, Desirous to Do the Work of the Day. Boston, 1726.
Mather's reminder of the continuing suffering in Europe under the rule of "Popish princes." He calls for compassion and prayer for the afflicted.1727
The Balance of the Sanctuary. A Short and Plain Essay; Declaring, the True Balance Wherein Every Thing Should Be Weighed, and, Detecting, the False Balance Wherein Many Things are Weighed, among the Children of Men. A Lecture; in the Audience of the General Assembly at Boston, Oct. 5. 1727. Boston, 1727.
A recommendation to live by the Golden Rule.Baptismal Piety. Two Brief Essays. 1. The Angel of the Waters Instructing the Spectators of the Sacred Baptism, Administered in our Assemblies, How to Make It a Most Profitable Spectacle. II. The Angel of the Little Ones Directing the Aims and the Frames Parents Are to Bring Their Infants unto the Holy Baptism. Boston, 1727.
Explains the symbolism of infant baptism.Boanerges. A Short Essay to Preserve and Strengthen the Good Impressions Produced by Earthquakes on the Minds of People that Have Been Awakened with Them. With Some Views of What is to be Further and Quickly Look'd for. Address'd unto the Whole People of New-England, Who Have Been Terrified with the Late Earthquakes; and More Especially the Towns That Have Had a More Singular Share in the Terrors of Them. Boston, 1727.
In addition to the earthquakes felt in New England, Mather discusses the much more destructive earthquakes in Europe.Hor-Hagidgad. An Essay upon, an Happy Departure. Occasioned by the Decease of the Valuable Mr. William Waldron, Late Pastor to One of the Churches in Boston; Who Departed Sept. 11. 1727. Boston, 1727.
A funeral sermon for the first minister of Boston's New Brick Church.Ignorantia Scientifica. A Brief Essay on Mans Not Knowing His Time : the Just Inferences from It, and the Great Advantages of It. Upon a Special and Mournful Occasion. Boston, 1727.
A funeral sermon on the death of the young and apparently healthy Samuel Hirst (1705-1727), son of Elizabeth Sewall and grandson of Samuel Sewall.Preface. The Important Duty of a Timely Seeking of God Urged; in a Sermon, the Substance of Which was Delivered on the Lord's-Day, April 11th. 1725. And Now at the Repeated Desires of Many of the Hearers Published. By Joseph Emerson. Boston, 1727.
Restitutus. The End of Life Pursued, and Then, the Hope in Death Enjoyed, by the Faithful. Both of Them Described in a Discourse Made upon a Recovery from Sickness. Or, the Declaration of One Returning from the Gates of the Grave. Boston, 1727.
In 1727, Mather had been very ill and upon recovery wrote Restitutus. On February 12, 1728, the day before he died, he asked his son, Samuel, to read to him from this work. -
Posthumous Publications
"An Account of the Sufferings of Margaret Rule." Letters. More Wonders of the Invisible World: Or, The Wonders of the Invisible World, Displayed in Five Parts : to Which is Added, a Postscript Relating to a Book Entitled, "The Life of Sir William Phips." By Robert Calef. Salem, 1796.
Works by Cotton Mather, including correspondence, are included in Calef's reply to Mather's Wonders of the Invisible World."An Account of the Sufferings of Margaret Rule." Letters. More Wonders of the Invisible World, or The wonders of the Invisible World Displayed. To Which is Added a Postscript Relating to a Book Entitled, "The Life of Sir William Phips". By Robert Calef. Salem, 1823.
The Angel of Bethesda. Ed. Gordon W. Jones. Barre, MA: American Antiquarian Society, 1972.
Published from the manuscript of the American Antiquarian Society. Chapter five was earlier published under the same title (New London, CT, 1722). Mather explains many illnesses in a spiritual context.Biblia Americana: America's First Bible Commentary: a Synoptic Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. Ed. Reiner Smolinski. Tubingen, DE: Siebeck; Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2010-.
Scholarly edition of the oldest comprehensive commentary on the Bible composed in North America. The unpublished manuscript of 4,500 pages is held by the Massachusetts Historical Society.Bonifacius: An Essay upon the Good. Ed. David Levin. John Harvard Library. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1966.
Follows the original text of 1710, which included the Appendix on Indian Christianity and the Advertisement for Biblia Americana.Preface. Bridgwater's Monitor. A Sermon Preached to a New Assembly of Christians at Bridgewater; on 14 d. VI. m. 1717. A Day of Prayer Kept by Them, at Their Entering into the New Edifice, Erected for the Worship of God among Them. By James Keith, Pastor of the Church in Bridgwater. 2nd ed. Boston, 1768.
"With a Preface of Dr. Increase Mather, and Dr. Cotton Mather." Preface by Cotton Mather. Originally printed with an additional sermon: Boston, 1717.The Comfortable Chambers, Opened and Visited, upon the Departure of that Aged and Faithful Servant of God, Mr. Peter Thatcher [i.e. Thacher], the Never-to-be-Forgotten Pastor of Milton. Who Made His Flight Thither, on December 17. 1727. Boston, 1796.
Mather's last sermon. Originally printed: Boston, 1728.Corderius Americanus. A Discourse on the Good Education of Children, &c. &c. Delivered at the Funeral of Ezekiel Cheever, Principal of the Latin School in Boston, Who Died, August, 1708, in the Ninety-Fourth Year of His Age. With an Elegy and an Epitaph. Boston, 1828.
Originally published: Boston, 1708. Includes Latin poems by Cheever and a facsimile of one of his manuscripts.Cotton Mather's Verse in English. Ed. Denise D. Knight. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 1989.
Mather's poetic works are divided into six categories: religious meditations, elegies and epitaphs, verse for children, agricultural verse, hymns, and Bible verse.Days of Humiliation: Times of Affliction and Disaster: Nine Sermons for Restoring Favor with an Angry God, 1696-1727. Ed. George Harrison Orians. Gainesville, FL: Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, 1970.
Orians' introduction provides historical and doctrinal background for these sermons delivered in very difficult times.Diary of Cotton Mather. Ed. Worthington Chauncey Ford. American Classics. New York: Ungar, 1957.
Originally printed: 1911-1912. Brings together 26 diaries at three different libraries: Massachusetts Historical Society, American Antiquarian Society, and the Congregational Library. Vol. 1 (1681-1709); vol. 2 (1709-1724). Includes a folded facsimile. Map, "Town of Boston in New England" by Capt. John Bonnor.The Diary of Cotton Mather, D.D., F.R.S. for the Year 1712. Ed. William R. Manierre. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 1964.
The diary for 1712 was believed lost until 1919, when it was purchased for the William Gwinn Mather collection. For that reason, it was not included in the Worthington Chauncey Ford edition.The Discipline Practised in the Churches of New England: Containing I. A Platform of Church Discipline. II. The Principles Owned, and the Endeavours Used, by the Churches of New England, Concerning the Church-State of Their Posterity. III. Heads of Agreement, Assented to by the United Ministers, Formerly Called Presbyterian and Congregational. Ed. Nathaniel Higgins. Whitchurch, Salop, UK, 1823.
Reprint of portions of Book V of Magnalia Christi Americana.Dr. Cotton Mather's Student and Preacher, or, Directions for a Candidate of the Ministry : wherein, I. A Right Foundation is Laid for His Future Improvement; II. Rules Are Offered for Such a Management of His Academical and Preparatory Studies, and, upon That, for Such; III. A Conduct after His Appearance in the World, as May Render Him a Skilful and Useful Minister of the Gospel : to Which is Added, A Literal Translation of Dr. Cotton Mather's Famous Latin Preface, with an Abridgment of Mr. Ryland's Preface to His Edition. London, 1789.
The first edition was published under title: Manuductio ad Ministerium… Boston, 1726. Translation of "Dr. Cotton Mather's famous Latin preface" is by Hugh Walford. The Congregational Library & Archives’ copy was formerly owned by the noted historian of Congregationalism, Henry M. Dexter.The Duties of Parents to Their Children. Ed. Robert E. Davis. Millers Falls, MA: Petra, 1997.
"[Mather] recognizes the child's primary need of true, converting grace and urges parents to do all in their power to lead a child to Christ" — Back cover.Early Piety: Exemplified in the Life and Death of Mr. Nathaniel [sic] Mather. 5th ed. Boston: Congregational Board of Publication, 1857.
Nathanael was Cotton Mather's younger brother.Elegy by the Reverend Cotton Mather on the Death of the Reverend Nathaniel Collins. Ed. Holdridge Ozro Collins. Los Angeles: Bumgardt, 1909.
An elegy for Mather's very close friend. Originally published: Boston, 1685.An Essay upon the Good That Is to Be Devised and Designed by Those Who Desire to Answer the Great End of Life, and to Do Good while They Live. Boston, 1845.
Reprint of Bonifacius, 1710. "Among the multitude of books which have emanated from the New England press, we know of none which, for vigor of thought, comprehensiveness of views, and depth of piety, deserves a higher place than this." — Advertisement.Essays to Do Good; Addressed to All Christians, Whether in Public or Private Capacities. Ed. George Burder. New ed. Boston, 1808.
First published under the title: Bonifacius. "Improved by George Burder, from the latest London edition."Essays to Do Good: Addressed to All Christians, Whether in Public or Private Capacities. Ed. George Burder. New ed. New York, 1815.
First published under the title: Bonifacius. "Improved by George Burder, from the latest Boston and London editions."Essays to Do Good, Addressed to All Christians, Whether in Public or Private Capacities. Ed. George Burder. New ed. Portsmouth, NH, 1824.
First published under the title: Bonifacius.Essays to Do Good. Ed. Andrew Thomson. Select Christian Authors 24. Glasgow, 1825.
First published under the title: Bonifacius. With an introductory essay. Illustrated with a steel engraving entitled, "Go and teach all nations."Essays to Do Good; Addressed to all Christians, Whether in Public or Private Capacities. New York, [c. 1838].
First published under the title: Bonifacius. Burder's edition, abridged. Published by the American Tract Society.A Faithful Man Described and Rewarded. A Sermon Preached at Malden, June 24, 1705, Occasioned by the Death of that Faithful and Aged Servant of God, Mr. Michael Wigglesworth. Boston, 1849.
There is a misleading author statement on the title page: "By Increase Mather." The funeral sermon, however, was preached by Cotton Mather and the Dedication is by Increase Mather. Digital copy in Hathi Trust Digital Library."An History of the War with the Indians in New-England." The History of King Philip's War. By Increase Mather. Ed. Samuel G. Drake. Boston, 1862.
Increase Mather's "Brief History of King Philip's War" with Cotton Mather's history of the same war, originally printed in Book 7 of the Magnalia Christi Americana, are here reprinted together. Drake has added supplementary material, a genealogical chart of the Mather family, and engraved portraits of the two authors.The Life of Mr. Thomas Dudley, Several times Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts. Ed. Charles Deane. Cambridge, MA, 1870.
"One hundred copies reprinted from Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society." Mather's Magnalia Christi Americana contains an abridged version of this work.Magnalia Christi Americana: Or, the Ecclesiastical History of New-England from Its First Planting in the Year 1620, Unto the Year of Our Lord, 1698. In Seven Books. 1st American ed. Hartford, CT, 1820.
Originally published: London, 1702.Magnalia Christi Americana; Or, the Ecclesiastical History of New-England; from Its First Planting in the Year 1620, unto the Year of Our Lord, 1698, in Seven Books. Ed. Thomas Robbins & Samuel G. Drake. Trans. Lucius Franklin Robinson. Hartford, CT, 1853-1855.
The second American edition. Vol. 1 printed in 1855; v. 2 in 1853. There were two issues of v. 1 with differing printing dates.Magnalia Christi Americana; Or, the Ecclesiastical History of New-England; from Its First Planting, in the Year 1620, unto the Year of Our Lord 1698. In Seven Books. Temecula, CA: Reprint Services, 1999.
An on-demand facsimile of the 1853 edition.Ornaments for the Daughters of Zion. Or the Character and Happiness of a Virtuous Woman: in a Discourse which Directs the Female Sex How to Express the Fear of God in Every Age and State of Their Life; and Obtain Both Temporal and Eternal Blessedness. 3rd ed. Boston, 1741.
Originally printed: Cambridge, MA, 1692.Rules for the Society of Negroes, 1693. Ed. George Henry Moore. New York, 1888.
Preface signed: George H. Moore, Lenox Library, July 1888. Originally issued as a broadside with Mather's nine numbered rules in 1706. There may also have been a 1693 edition with eight rules.Selected Letters of Cotton Mather. Ed. Kenneth Silverman. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1971.
Indispensable for the study of Cotton Mather. "The surviving letters represent the largest extant correspondence of any American puritan figure. This selection is the product of a search which covered fifteen states and twenty-one different countries and located 569 of Mather's letters" — Introduction. The letters are from c. 1678 to 1727 and are on a great variety of topics. About four-fifths of Mather's extant letters were included.Selections from Cotton Mather. Ed. Kenneth Ballard Murdock. Hafner Library of Classics 20. New York: Hafner, 1973.
Includes selections from Magnalia Christi Americana, The Christian Philosopher, Political Fables, and also includes "A Letter to Dr. Woodward."The Threefold Paradise of Cotton Mather: An Edition of 'Triparadisus'. Ed. Reiner Smolinski. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1995.
The first printed edition; extensive introductory material and bibliographical references. Written near the end of Mather's life, it provides insight into Mather's later years. It also challenges widely held beliefs within the study of American puritanism.A Token for Children, Being an Exact Account of the Conversion, Holy and Exemplary Lives, and Joyful Deaths of Several Young Children. By James Janeway. To Which is Added, A Token for the Children of New-England, or, Some Examples of Children, in Whom the Fear of God was Remarkably Budding before They Died; in Several Parts of New-England. Boston, 1771.
Mather's A Token for the Children of New-England was originally published in 1700 and was included in the London, 1702, edition of the Magnalia Christi Americana.The Widow of Naim. Remarks on the Illustrious Miracle Wrought by Our Almighty Redeemer, on the Behalf of a Desolate Widow. Boston, 1728.
"To the reader" signed: J[oshua] Gee. Feb. 23, 1727,8. Letter "To Mrs. Dorothy Frizzel" signed and dated: Cotton Mather, Oct. 17, 1724. A sermon first delivered in manuscript to Mrs. Frizzel to comfort her upon the death of her son. Later published with the Rev. Gee's assistance after Mather's death.The Witchcraft Delusion in New England: Its Rise, Progress, and Termination, as Exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather, in "The Wonders of the Invisible World"; and by Mr. Robert Calef, in His "More Wonders of the Invisible World". Ed. Samuel G. Drake. Woodward's Historical Series 5-7. Roxbury, MA, 1866.
Mather's The Wonders of the Invisible World and Drake's introductory and biographical material are found in vol. 1.The Wonders of the Invisible World. Being an Account of the Tryals of Several Witches Lately Executed in New England. To Which is Added a Farther Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches by Increase Mather. Library of Old Authors. London, 1862.
With an engraved frontispiece portrait of Cotton Mather.
Holmes, Thomas James. Cotton Mather: A Bibliography of His Works. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1940.
The classic descriptive bibliography of the works of Cotton Mather identifies 468 separate items with numerous excerpts from scarce works by Mather and hundreds of facsimile title-pages.Jones, Matt Bushnell. Some Bibliographical Notes on Cotton Mather's "The Accomplished Singer". Boston, 1933.
Originally published in the Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts volume XXVIII, this article offers an account of the history of Mather's pamphlet entitled The Accomplished Singer.Kittredge, George Lyman. "Cotton Mather's Scientific Communications to the Royal Society." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, n.s., 26 (1916): 18-57.
A list of Mather's letters to the Royal Society regarding scientific matters. Includes dates and content notes for each letter.Tuttle, Julius Herbert. "The Libraries of the Mathers." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, n.s., 20 (1910): 269-356.
The only published account of the materials contained in the Mather family library, with separate lists of those books held at the American Antiquarian Society, the Massachusetts Historical Society, and at other institutions. An extensive introductory essay explores the provenance and dispersal of the Mather library. Although the most complete list available, the bibliography is notable for lacking more than 500 titles from the Mather collection held at the American Antiquarian Society. -
Boas, Ralph Philip, and Louise Schutz Boaz. Cotton Mather: Keeper of the Puritan Conscience. New York and London: Harper, 1928.
A biography of Mather intended for general audiences. It lacks a bibliography and index.Drake, Samuel G. Pedigree of the Family of Mather.
A genealogical chart of the Mather family. Drake's Introduction includes a brief commentary on Cotton Mather, the Mather library, and the perilous times.Kennedy, Rick. The First American Evangelical: A Short Life of Cotton Mather. Grand Rapids: MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2015.
Levin, David. Cotton Mather: The Young Life of the Lord's Remembrancer, 1663-1703. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978.
A reinterpretation of Cotton Mather's published works and involvement in major events, this biography follows Mather's development as an intellectual and public figure. Focused on his early and middle years, this biography does not cover the last twenty-five years of Mather's life.Levy, Babette May. Cotton Mather. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1979.
A relatively brief biography that focuses on the major points of interest in Mather's life. Also includes an annotated selected bibliography of primary and secondary sources.Marvin, Abijah P. The Life and Times of Cotton Mather, D.D., F.R.S., or, A Boston Minister of Two Centuries Ago, 1663-1728. Boston: Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society, 1892.
Written by a sympathetic Congregational minister, this biography offers a defense of Mather against his critics. Digital copy available in the HathiTrust Digital Library.Mather, Samuel. The Life of the Very Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. Late Pastor of the North Church in Boston. Who died, Feb. 13. 1727, 8. Boston, 1729.
Written by Cotton Mather's son, this biography relies on the author's personal memories and material taken from Cotton Mather's writings to tell his life story. The bibliography of Mather's work offers an early attempt to collect a comprehensive list of his works.---. An Abridgment of the Life of the Late Reverend and Learned Dr. Cotton Mather, of Boston in New-England: Taken from the Account of Him Published by His Son, the Reverend Mr. Samuel Mathe: Proposed As a Pattern to All Christians, Who Desire to Excel in Holiness and Usefulness, and Especially to Younger Ministers. Ed. David Jennings. London, 1744.
---. The Life of the Late Rev. and Learned Dr. Cotton Mather, of Boston, New England. Ed. David Jennings. Philadelphia: American Sunday School Union, 1827.
---. The Life of the Late Rev. and Learned Dr. Cotton Mather, of Boston, New England. Ed. David Jennings. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: American Sunday School Union, 1828.
Middlekauff, Robert. The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971.
A study of the impact that Richard, Increase, and Cotton Mather had on the intellectual history of American puritanism.Pond, Enoch. The Mather Family. Boston: Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, 1844.
Common to nineteenth-century biographies of Cotton Mather, this work offers a rebuttal to the frequently made accusations against Mather and celebrates his legacy. It also includes biographical information on Richard, Samuel, Nathaniel, Eleazer, Increase, and other members of the Mather family. Digital copy available in the HathiTrust Digital Library.Quint, Alonzo H. "Cotton Mather." Congregational Quarterly. vol 1, no. 3 (1859): [233]-264.
A sketch of Cotton Mather's life and character that offers an unwaveringly complimentary assessment of Mather's character and work. Digital copy on Internet Archive.Robbins, Chandler. A History of the Second Church, or Old North, in Boston: To Which Is Added, a History of the New Brick Church. Boston, 1852.
A history of the church at which Mather ministered, this work offers insights into Mather's ministry, sourced from the records of the church. Digital copy on Internet Archive.Sibley, John Landgon. "Cotton Mather." Sibley's Harvard Graduates: Biographical Sketches of Those Who Attended Harvard College ... with Bibliographical and Other Notes. Vol. 3. By John Langdon Sibley, 6-158. Cambridge, MA: Charles William Sever, 1885.
A relatively brief, but thorough biography of Mather's life that focuses on his achievements. The work also includes one of the more complete bibliographies of Mather's publications.Silverman, Kenneth. The Life and Times of Cotton Mather. New York: Harper & Row, 1984.
The most complete modern biography of Cotton Mather. The author presents a cohesive picture of Mather's multifaceted life as a minister, intellectual, and public figure.Smolinski, Reiner, and Kenneth P. Minkema, eds. A Cotton Mather Reader. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2022.
This wide-ranging volume includes topical selections on autobiography and meditation; New England history; gender, childrearing, and education; natural science and medicine; mercantilism and paper money; biblical interpretation; Salem witchcraft; race, slavery, and servitude; Native Americans and captivity; and pietism, world missions, and millennialism. This reader serves as both a reference for scholars and a textbook for students and should help bring renewed attention to this important figure.Wendell, Barrett. Cotton Mather, the Puritan Priest. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1891.
A comprehensive biography largely sourced from Mather's own writings.---. Cotton Mather, the Puritan Priest. 1891. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1921.
---. Cotton Mather, the Puritan Priest. 1891. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1926.
---. Cotton Mather: the Puritan Priest. 1891. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1963.
Reprint of 1891 edition with new introduction by Alan Heimert. -
Funeral Sermons
Colman, Benjamin. The Holy Walk and Glorious Translation of Blessed Enoch: A Sermon Preached at the Lecture in Boston, Two Days after the Death of the Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S., Who Departed This Life, Febr. 13. 1728. Aetat. 65. Boston, 1728.
A sermon given by Rev. Benjamin Colman, a contemporary of Cotton Mather's, who served the Brattle Street Church in Boston.Mather, Samuel. The Departure and Character of Elijah Considered and Improved. A Sermon after the Decease of the Very Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, D.D., F.R.S. and Minister of the North Church, Who Expired Feb. 13. 1727,8. in the Sixty Sixth Year of His Age. Boston, 1728.
Given by Cotton Mather's son, Samuel, this sermon was delivered at the Second Church of Boston, where Cotton Mather had ministered.Prince, Thomas. The Departure of Elijah Lamented: a Sermon Occasioned by the Great & Publick Loss in the Decease of the Very Reverend & Learned Cotton Mather, D.D.F.R.S. and Senior Pastor of the North Church in Boston: Who Left This Life on Feb. 13th 1727, 8, the Morning after He Finished the LXV Year of His Age. Boston in New-England, 1728.
Rev. Thomas Prince, the long-serving minister of the Old South Church of Boston, offered this sermon following the death of Cotton Mather. -
Criticism & Interpretation
Albree, John. "Mather and the Quakers." Boston Herald. September 2, 1921.
Albree refutes plots attributed to Cotton Mather for enslaving William Penn and other Quakers.Allen, Francis W. "The Pelham Mather." Bulletin of the American Congregational Association 1, no. 2 (1950): 16-17.
A brief history of Peter Pelham's 1727 mezzotint portrait of Cotton Mather.Beall, Otho T., Jr. "Cotton Mather's Early 'Curiosa Americana' and the Boston Philosophical Society of 1683." The William and Mary Quarterly 3d ser. 18, no. 3 (1961): 360-372.
An attempt to reconstruct the interests of the short-lived Boston Philosophical Society through an analysis of the "Curiosa Americana" letters that Cotton Mather sent to the Royal Society of London. Cotton Mather was a member of the Boston Philosophical Society, as well as a member of the Royal Society of London. The author also analyzes Cotton Mather's changing attitude towards interpreting natural phenomena.Bernard, Virginia. "Cotton Mather and the Doing of Good: A Puritan Gospel of Wealth." The New England Quarterly 49, no. 2 (1976): 225-241.
The author posits that Cotton Mather's Bonifacius helped to inspire the American ideal of social mobility, instead of preserving social order as Mather had intended.Bishop, George. New-England Judged, by the Spirit of the Lord. In Two Parts. First, Containing a Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People Call'd Quakers in New England, from the Time of Their First Arrival There, in the Year 1656, to the Year 1660 ... In Answer to the Declaration of Their Persecutors Apologizing for the Same, MDCLIX. Second Part, Being a Farther Relation of the Cruel and Bloody Sufferings of the People Call'd Quakers in New-England, Continued from Anno 1660, to Anno 1665. Beginning with the Sufferings of William Leddra, Whom They Put to Death. London, 1703.
This work includes a reprinting of Truth and Innocency Defended; Against Falshood and Envy; and the Martyrs of Jesus, and Sufferers for His Sake, Vindicated. In Answer to Cotton Mather (A Priest of Boston) His Calumnies, Lyes and Abuses of the People called Quakers, in His Late Church-History of New-England. With Remarks and Observations on Several Passages in the Same, and His Confessions to the Just Judgments of God on Them by John Whiting. Originally published in London, 1702. Digital copy on Internet Archive.Breitwieser, Mitchell Robert. Cotton Mather and Benjamin Franklin: The Price of Representative Personality. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.
A scholarly comparison of the works of Mather and Franklin that proposes that each man offered opposite perspectives on the ideal self.Calef, Robert. More Wonders of the Invisible World, or, The Wonders of the Invisible World Displayed: In Five Parts: To Which Is Added a Postscript Relating to a Book Entitled, The Life of Sir William Phips. Salem, 1796.
The postscript provides Calef's critique of Cotton Mather's Pietas in Patriam: The Life of Sir William Phips.Calef, Robert, and Cotton Mather. More Wonders of the Invisible World, or, The Wonders of the Invisible World Displayed: In Five Parts: To Which Is Added a Postscript Relating to a Book Entitled, The Life of Sir William Phips. Salem, 1823.
A reply to Cotton Mather's Wonders of the Invisible World. The postscript discusses Mather's anonymously published Pietas in Patriam: The Life of Sir William Phips. Re-printed by John D. and T.C. Cushing, Jr., for Cushing and Appleton.Calef, Robert, and Cotton Mather. Salem Witchcraft: Comprising More Wonders of the Invisible World, Collected by Robert Calef; and Wonders of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather. Boston: W. Veazie, 1865.
The editor provides brief explanatory notes to accompany the works of Calef and Mather.Copeland, Mary. "Hannah Mather Crocker and Cotton Mather: Voices for Women's Education, 100 Years and Two Generations Apart." Bulletin of the Congregational Library and Archives 10, no. 1 (2013).
The author explores Cotton Mather's interest and motivations for educating his daughters and compares these to his granddaughter, Hannah Mather Crocker, who advocated for women's education.Dillman, Jefferson. "Defending the 'New England Way': Cotton Mather's 'Exact Mapp of New England and New York.'" Historical Journal of Massachusetts 38, no. 1 (2010): 111-131.
The author details how the map of New England included in Cotton Mather’s Magnalia Christi Americana aligns with the arguments that Mather makes for the superiority of Anglo-American puritanism.Erwin, John S. (John Stuart). The Millennialism of Cotton Mather: An Historical and Theological Analysis. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1990.
This work looks at how Cotton Mather's belief in Milliennialism shaped his interpretation of events during his lifetime. The book also includes a bibliographical essay that charts the changing opinion regarding Cotton Mather over time.Francke, Kuno. "The Beginning of Cotton Mather's Correspondence with August Hermann Francke." Philological Quarterly 3 (1926): 193-195.
Reprinted from Philological Quarterly, volume V, number 3 (1926), this article explores the interest that Cotton Mather had in the work of German scholar, educator, clergyman, and philanthropist, August Hermann Francke.Goddard, Delano A. (Delano Alexander). The Mathers Weighed in the Balances and Found Not Wanting. Boston; London, 1870.
An apologetic that seeks to defend Cotton Mather and his family from the common accusations made against them by nineteenth-century critics.Goulding, James A. The Controversy Between Solomon Stoddard and the Mathers: Western Versus Eastern Massachusetts Congregationalism. Diss. Claremont Graduate School and University Center, 1971. Ann Arbor: UMI, 1971.
This dissertation examines Rev. Solomon Stoddard (1643-1729) and his disagreements with the tenants of the Cambridge Platform and the Half-Way Covenant. Increase and Cotton Mather acted as Stoddard's primary opponents on these issues, and the author compares their views.Gura, Philip F. “Cotton Mather's Life of Phips: 'A Vice with the Vizard of Vertue Upon It.'" The New England Quarterly 50, no. 3 (1977): 440-457.
The author argues that Cotton Mather's biography of William Phips redefined the ideal public life in a new American context.Harper, George W. Scholar and Shepherd: Cotton Mather and the Puritan Pastoral Ministry. BS Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1979.
This thesis contrasts the model of ministering that relied solely on scholarship and powerful preaching with Cotton Mather's pastoral model, which also involved community outreach and visitation.Harrer, John A. "A Mather Manuscript in the Congregational Library." Bulletin of the American Congregational Association 3, no. 2 (1952): 11-18.
An article regarding the manuscript of Directions for a Son Going to the Colledge held at the Congregational Library & Archives. It includes a comment on the Directions from the bibliographer T.J. Holmes and a transcription of the manuscript.Holmes, Thomas James. Cotton Mather and His Writings on Witchcraft. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1926.
Cotton Mather's most thorough bibliographer seeks to clarify that Mather produced very little writing about witchcraft and that these works were not considered his primary achievements by his contemporaries.---. The Mather Literature. Cleveland, OH: Privately Printed for William Gwinn Mather, 1927.
An introduction to an exhibition of books selected from the William Gwinn Mather Library written by, owned by, and about the prominent members of the Mather family. The William Gwinn Mather Library was later incorporated into The Tracy W. McGregor Library of American History at the University of Virginia.---. The Surreptitious Printing of One of Cotton Mather's Manuscripts. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1925.
Originally printed in Bibliographical Essays: A Tribute to Wilberforce Eames, this article explores how and why Cotton Mather's writings about the Margaret Rule witchcraft incident were included in Robert Calef's More Wonders of the Invisible World.Kass, Amalie M. “Boston's Historic Smallpox Epidemic.” Massachusetts Historical Review 14 (2012): 1-51.
A historical recount of the 1721 smallpox epidemic in Boston and the controversy that erupted around inoculations, of which Cotton Mather played a major role.Levin, David. "Giants in the Earth: Science and the Occult in Cotton Mather's Letters to the Royal Society." The William and Mary Quarterly 3d ser. 45, no. 4 (1988): 751-770.
In addition to a transcription of Cotton Mather's first letter to the Royal Society of London, the author uses this letter to examine the role that the occult played in Cotton Mather's comprehension of the world.Lovelace, Richard F. The American Pietism of Cotton Mather: Origins of American Evangelicalism. Grand Rapids, MI: Christian University Press, 1979.
The author proposes that in the personal life and theology of Cotton Mather, puritanism and Pietism were combined in a unique manner that would influence the trajectory of American religion. The book also includes a bibliographical study of the historical vicissitudes of Cotton Mather's reputation.Mages, Michael J. Magnalia Christi Americana: America's Literary Old Testament. San Francisco, CA: International Scholars Publications, 1999.
A study of the creation and legacy of Cotton Mather's Magnalia Christi Americana.Malmsheimer, Lonna M. "Daughters of Zion: New England Roots of American Feminism." The New England Quarterly 50, no. 3 (1977): 484-504.
Cotton Mather's writings on women are identified as an early example in the development of feminist thinking in America.Minardi, Margot. "The Boston Inoculation Controversy of 1721-1722: An Incident in the History of Race." The William and Mary Quarterly 3d ser. 61, no. 1 (2004): 47-76.
The history of race in early eighteenth-century Anglo-America is examined through the lens of Cotton Mather's writings about smallpox.Minkema, Kenneth P. "Reforming Harvard: Cotton Mather on Education at Cambridge." The New England Quarterly 87, no. 2 (2014): 319-340.
Through a reexamination of historical documents, the author unveils what reforms Cotton Mather would have implemented had he been chosen as the president of Harvard University. Also included is a transcription of Mather's "Important Points, Relating to the Education at Harvard-College; Needful to be Enquired Into, Præpared and Humbly Offered, by Some Who Have Newly Pass'd Thro' the First Four Years of Their Being There," along with two other related documents.Palmer, John. The Present State of New England Impartially Considered, in a Letter to the Clergy. Boston, 1689.
Written by John Palmer, a member of the Council of Governor Andros, as a vindication of the deposed government and in reply to Cotton Mather's "The Declaration, of the Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of Boston, and Countrey Adjacent. April 18th. 1689." The text of a subsequent London edition differs substantially.Poole, William Frederick. The Mather Papers: Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft. Boston, 1868.
A defense of Cotton Mather against the claims raised by Charles W. Upham in his 1867 work Salem Witchcraft: With an Account of Salem Village, and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and Kindred Subjects.---. Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft. Boston: University Press, 1869.
Digital copy in Hathi Trust Digital Library---. Cotton Mather & Witchcraft: Two Notices of Mr. Upham, His Reply. Boston: T.R. Marvin & Son, 1870.
Richter, Daniel K. "'It Is God Who Has Caused Them to be Servants': Cotton Mather and Afro-American Slavery in New England." Bulletin of the Congregational Library 30, no. 3 (1979): 4-14.
The author looks to Cotton Mather's writings on slavery to provide an assessment of the responses to slavery in early eighteenth-century New England.Robinson, George W. Errata in Cotton Mather's Magnalia. Cambridge, MA: Privately Printed, 1943.
Smith, Peter H. "Politics and Sainthood: Biography by Cotton Mather." The William and Mary Quarterly 3d ser. 20, no. 2 (1963): 186-206.
An examination of the influence that political concerns had on the content and style of Cotton Mather's biographical writing.Smolinski, Reiner, and Jan Stievermann, eds. Cotton Mather and Biblia Americana – America's First Bible Commentary: Essays in Reappraisal. Tubingen, DE: Mohr Siebeck, 2011.
A collection of essays that reexamine Cotton Mather as an intellectual and his biblical commentary entitled Biblia Americana. The essays cover a range of topics, including Mather's explorations of theological, philosophical, and scientific matters; his relationships with international scholars; and Mather's considerations of gender, race, and slavery within the Biblia Americana.Upham, Charles W. Salem Witchcraft: With an Account of Salem Village, and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and Kindred Subjects. Boston: Wiggins and Lunt, 1867.
A history of the Salem witch trials that focuses much of the blame on Cotton Mather.Werking, Richard H. "'Reformation Is Our Only Preservation': Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft." The William and Mary Quarterly 3d ser. 29, no. 2 (1972): 281-290.
An assessment of Cotton Mather's interest and involvement in the Salem witch trials.Williams, Tony. The Pox and the Covenant: Mather, Franklin, and the Epidemic That Changed America's Destiny. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 2010.
An investigation of the smallpox epidemic that struck Boston in 1721 and the subsequent debate among Mather, other ministers, physicians, and newspaper editors over the practice of inoculation. The author points to Mather's championing of widespread inoculation as evidence of his position as an early Enlightenment thinker in the American colonies.Winship, Michael P. "Prodigies, Puritanism, and the Perils of Natural Philosophy: The Example of Cotton Mather." The William and Mary Quarterly 3d ser. 51, no. 1 (1994): 92-105.
By following the evolution of Cotton Mather's interpretation of "prodigies" or natural oddities, the author evaluates Mather’s understanding and acceptance of scientific thought. -
Fictional Portrayals
Mantlo, Bill writer. A Witch in Time!. Art by Sal Buscema and Mike Esposito, Letters by Karen Mantlo, Color by Ellen Vartanoff. New York: Marvel Comics, 1976. Print. Vol. 1, issues 41-45 (Jan.-May 1976) of Marvel Team-Up.
A villainous, witch-hunting Cotton Mather battles Spider-Man in colonial Salem, Massachusetts in this fictional retelling of the incidents surrounding the Salem Witch Trials. -
Spurious & Doubtful
"Plot to Sell William Penn." Post. September 17, 1917.
The Mother's Manual, Containing Practical Hints, by a Mother. Cotton Mather's Resolutions of a Parent, Notices of Maternal Associations, &c. Together with Introductory Remarks; and an Appendix. Dedicated to Christian Mothers. Boston, 1840.
Bibliographer T.J. Holmes disputes the claim that Cotton Mather was the author of the Resolutions. Cf. T.J. Holmes, Cotton Mather, 112-R.
Owen, John. A Discourse of the Work of the Holy Spirit in Prayer. With a Brief Enquiry into the Nature and Use of Mental Prayer and Forms. London: Printed for Nathanael Ponder, 1682.
Ownership inscription of Cotton Mather, dated 1683, on title page.
The Mather Project. Georgia State University.
An outgrowth of an ongoing effort to publish Cotton Mather's holograph manuscript Biblia Americana (1693-1728), a huge commentary on the Bible, currently edited by an international team of scholars, and collaboratively published in ten volumes by Mohr Siebeck (Germany) and Baker Academic (USA) intended to provide access to the unpublished and select number of published family papers of Richard Mather (1596-1669), Increase Mather (1639-1723), and Cotton Mather (1663-1728).
Cotton Mather Papers, 1636-1724. Massachusetts Historical Society.
Increase Mather Papers, 1659-1721. Massachusetts Historical Society.
Second Church (Boston, Mass.) Records, 1650-1970. Massachusetts Historical Society.
Includes material dating from 1685-1728, when Cotton Mather served as a minister.
Kenneth Silverman Research Materials on Cotton Mather, 1661-ca. 1841. Massachusetts Historical Society.
Research materials on Cotton Mather gathered by Kenneth Silverman for his 1984 book The Life and Times of Cotton Mather. Includes copies of original documents in various repositories, notes, copies of secondary materials, and microfilm.
Mather Family Papers, 1613-1819 [PDF]. American Antiquarian Society.
Mather Family Library. American Antiquarian Society.
A collection of more than 1,500 printed books that once belonged to Richard, Increase, Cotton, and Samuel Mather, their families, colleagues, and correspondents. The collection is the largest extant portion of the Mather family library, most of which was acquired from Hannah Mather Crocker (Cotton's granddaughter) in 1814.
Mather Family Collection. American Antiquarian Society.
Mather Family Collection, 1645-1722. Huntington Library (San Marino, CA).
Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728, Papers. Houghton Library, Harvard University.
Papers of the Mather Family, 1683-1784. University of Virginia.
The Tracy W. McGregor Library of American History. University of Virginia.
The library's holdings include a collection of the Mather family, particularly of Increase and Cotton Mather, including the manuscript of the latter's diary. The Mather collection was originally gathered by William Gwinn Mather and is one of the three Mather collections in existence.
Mather Papers/Manuscripts. Boston Public Library.
The Boston Public Library holds a number of manuscripts and rare publications by Cotton Mather.
Smolinski, Reiner. "Cotton Mather." In Oxford Bibliographies Online: American Literature. Aug 28, 2014.
Written by a leading contemporary Mather scholar, this bibliography provides a thorough survey of books and articles of scholarly criticism about Mather, along with readily available works written by Mather. Arraigned thematically, an introductory paragraph begins each grouping by providing details on the historical development of Mather studies. Each entry includes an annotation.