
Looking for inspiration for a class project or an upcoming paper? The Congregational Library has many primary resources for you to use in the reading room or online.

With over 225,000 books, pamphlets, periodicals, and manuscripts in the online catalog of our research library and more than 130,000 pages of scanned primary source material in our free-to-use Digital Archive, there are many stories for you to uncover.  Online bibliographies and research guides, including one on Black and Indigenous people and another on the Salem Witchcraft Trials, can help you come up with new research questions to explore.

Have a question or want to set up a time to work in the reading room? Email us at

Online Catalog

From manuscripts to books, sermons, digitized records, and so much more, search our catalog to discover all the items we hold at the CLA.

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Digital Archive

Our digitized material covers an array of locations and topics, and we are continuously adding new resources you can access anywhere.

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Research Guides

Our research guides and bibliographies showcase the CLA's unique collections and provide information for anyone interested in the Congregational story.

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Black & Indigenous Research Guide

A guide to locating the CLA's records relating to Black and Indigenous people in early New England Congregational churches.

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Salem Witchcraft Trial Records

The CLA's guide to documents related to Salem's witchcraft crisis available through our NEHH project and the University of Virginia.

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